Clinical Immunological American Dermato-epidemiologic Network

Epidemiology: Open Access

Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology



Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is specifically not one of those malignancies that is known to have a clear cause-effect aetiology. We can only make an effort to pinpoint a few clinical, occupational, and chemicals linked to carcinogenesis in RCC. Some of these variables that raise the risk of the RCC include smoking, asbestos or other chemical carcinogens, or organic solvents. Radiation therapy and viral infections have also been mentioned as risk factors. Several medications have been shown to enhance the prevalence of RCC and other neoplasms. Of fact, heredity has a significant impact on how some kidney cancer cases develop. Dialysis, hypertension, and chronic renal failure all require special consideration. Obesity, lifestyle, habits, and diet can all raise the risk of RCC. This article aims to provide an overview of the clearly identified causes of renal cell cancer.