Clinical Immunological American Dermato-epidemiologic Network

Epidemiology: Open Access

Sex makes men more divine data scientist study control and prevention of depression in middle age


Author(s): Rahul Hajare

Sex releases oxytocin, a hormone that has believed to improve bonding and altruism, a new study has reported. Have you ever thought, why people shout out the Lord's name during lovemaking? New studies explain it has sex hormone makes feel closer to the divine, especially in men, reports the Pune city survey. Researchers looked at the role of oxytocin a hormone released during sex, which promotes social bonding, trust and even altruism and occurs naturally in the body. The researchers at Pune University found that men dosed with the hormone were more likely to say that spirituality was important in their lives and their lives had meaning and purpose. According to researcher spirituality and meditation have each been linked to health and wellbeing in previous research. Interested in understanding biological factors that may enhance those spiritual experiences. Oxytocin appears to be part of the way bodies support spiritual beliefs.